Saturday 5 January 2019

Normal dental extraction movements with instruments


         Normal or simple Extraction
                    Steps of Maxillary Anterior teeth  Extractions;
       1).  separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
     2) use maxillary anterior forceps for extractions
      3) movements are labial or outward movement , palatal or inward movement and rotational movement for removal of tooth.

      labial movement      palatal movement    rotational movement

      Fig. shows extraction Movements in maxillary central incisors  tooth
      4) Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small forces           because teeth are not pulled.
      5)    Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower anteriors is outward- occlusal direction.

         Steps in Mandibular Anterior teeth  Extractions;

      1)      separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
2)     use mandibular anterior forceps for extractions 
  3)      movements are labial or outward movement , lingual or inward movement and rotational                     movement for removal of tooth.
  4)   Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small forces         because teeth are not pulled.
  5)     Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower anteriors is outward- occlusal directions.

          Steps in Maxillary premolar Extractions;

          1) separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
    2) use maxillary premolar forceps for extractions
      3)   movements are buccal or outward movement , palatal or inward movement . 
    4)      Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small                      forces because teeth are not pulled.                                                                                                  5) Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower premolars is outward- occlusal                              directions.
      { there is no use of rotational movement because maxillary premolar has two roots , it may be                  breaks the roots}

     Steps in Mandibular premolar extractions;
         1)  separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
      2) use mandibular premolar forceps for extractions 

     3)      movements are buccal or outward movement , lingual or inward movement and rotational                    movement for removal of tooth.

        4)    Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small forces because teeth are not pulled.
        5)  Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower premolars  is outward- occlusal directions.
      Steps in Maxillary  molar extractions;   
              1)  separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
  2) use maxillary molar forceps for extractions 
      3)  movements are buccal or outward movement , palatal or inward movement.

       4)  Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small forces         because teeth are not pulled.
       5)  Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower molar is outward - occlusal directions                 except  third molar.
    { there is no use of rotational movement because maxillary molar has three roots , it may be                   breaks  the roots}

6)      Forcep use for maxillary 3rd molar is

Steps in Mandibular  molar extractions;
        1) separation of the soft tissue from the tooth by periosteal elevator
        2) use mandibular molar forceps for extractions 
        3)  movements are buccal or outward movement , lingual or inward movement .

       4)   Tractional forces are useful for final removal of tooth from socket . they should be a small forces         because teeth are not pulled.
       5)    Final withdrawl movements for both upper and lower molars  is outward- occlusal directions               except third molar.
       6)  Forcep use for mandibular 3rd molar is


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